Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sirius-De udvalgte

This is a clip from a tv series running on the danish channel 6'eren, about the life in the sirius patrol and the courses in denmark during the election period of the few who gets into the program...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie56CN8wfQc (higher resolution)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This years Sirius winter training has arrived in Mestersvig


This years Sirius winter school has arrived in Mestersvig. they are 7 men and 2-3 instructors. they will spend 4 weeks at Mestersvig, learning to ski and survive in the Arctic. the course will have both a swimming excercise and a 100 km ski run and off-course a really good time!

i wish it was me...
i am sitting in school in Iceland and trying to finish my master thesis in glacial geology by the 17th of May...