Today the supply ship was scheduled here, but due to the ice conditions the ship passed us and headed for Daneborg, where it's due at 2100 hours. they will probably be at Mestersvig on the 2. of august.
today we had 3 landings of a twin otter plane and one by a helicopter. the helicopter came from the supply ship and picked up 3 of the guys staying here and flew them to Daneborg.
on Malmbjerget they had several visits of a young polar bear. it has been really anoying and the people up there have been quite fed up with it. the will borrow one of our dogs, which is quite a good safety for them. the dog will be picked up in the near future by a helicopter...
a norwegian kayak party landed here and we brought them out to Nyhavn where the will start their journey...
to night we have to british geologist and two icelandic pilots staying for dinner.