Wednesday, August 13, 2008

in the freezer again...

After arriving in Denmark i drove down to my aunt to deliver my luggage so theat it could be transported back home to Norwway with the rest of my stuff...
it awas raining most of the time i was in denmark, but also quite hot. there fore we decided to go to a bar to get a drink, A COLD DRINK. we went to copenhagen icebar. it was below freezing point and quite funny.

on wednesday i flew back home to norway to relax and get my life back together, before i go to iceland on the 25th...

see you in iceland


Anonymous said...

Hei Bjarki!
Er det deilig å være hjemme i Norge? Jeg er blitt operert og det går stille og rolig fremover med meg og kneet... sakte med sikkert. Du må gjerne ringe meg, så tar vi en kopp kaffe utenfor et eller annet sted. 91776914. Stor klem fra Marit

Anonymous said...

Hej Bjarki - have been away from the computer for soeom time, we went back to Maine for the last cleaning of house and sheds for the new buyers of my old house - very sad to see it go - now to learn to like New York state!

Glad the ship finally came and that all went well - I really enjoyed the new pictures, knew some of the spots very well. What happens to Jytte? Is she the Sirius-boat? Land will be very jealous!

Good luck from here on, we'll all keep an eye on you!