Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 1, Off we go...

The beginning of my summer vacation and also the beginning of the cruise to Greenland and Iceland.
In the early morning the expedition team and I went to the shooting range to freshen up on our abilities of using a fire-arm.
Our passengers arrived from 1200 hrs and we left the quay at 1400 hrs.
We started out from Longyearbyen to the Russian settlement of Barentsburg in beautiful weather.
In Barentsburg we walked a guided tour to see the town. The town has become muche cleaner since the first time I saw it in 2002. Old building have been torned down or got a new layer of insulation and colourful steel plates. They are even building the wolrds northern most brewerie ;0)
As we lef Barentsburg at 1945 hrs, the sun started to set and we sailed north, out of Isfjorden, turning right along the island Prins Karls Forland heading for Ny-Alesund...

good night

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