Wednesday, May 28, 2008

a new warm record

we finished the new floor in the hall way. then we took down everything in the room and painted it.
after some more snow we had to clear all the roads and the runway again. while doing so, the temperature rose to +9.2 degrees, which was the warmest so far this year. from the 20th the weather has been warm and spring has definately come to us. the snow has started to collapse and getting rotten. every day we see changes in the amount of snow. i think we want have any snow here in 3 weeks! the skiing and sledging conditions are now really bad, especially when you use wooden skis like me ;0)

yeasterday we invited our neighbours on "Pinnekjøtt" a traditional norwegian christmas dis. it´s smoked and salted lamb meat which I steamed in a pot. I love it!!!

today a plane was supposed to come here and pick up our neighbours, but the weather gods wanted it different and covered the coast in fog and low clouds. we will have to see what tomorrow brings...

I put out some more pictures on the net!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Bjarki
Hjartanlega til hamingju með afmaelid, vid mundum nu kikja i kaffi ef thu vaerir ekki svona ferlega langt i burtu :)
Thu hefur sennilega frett ad her var jardskjalfti i gaer, 6,3 a Richter og thad er mikid skemmt i Hveragerdi og Selfossi, en thad voru engin alvarleg slys a folki, svo thad er gott.
Vid aetlum ad vera a Hamarsheidi um helgina med fullt af folki og grodursetja 4.000 plontur, hofum gert thad a hvrju ari sidan 2000.
Vona ad thu hafir thad fint i dag.
kv.Helga Kr.