yeasterday i welded some fuel drums together. the will act as the new tunnel for the water under the broken road, hopefully there will not be any problems with that next year...
for some time now, i have been building a mini-sledge. it's 1 metre long and buil in the scale 1:4. this will be nice to have on my fire place when i get old (er) ;0)
two days ago i dug out parts of the road to Nyhavn. when i started water started to seeve into the channel and thus rising, until i got to a place where the water could run out. it was quite deep for a time, but luckily it didn't drown my machine. i tried to do that later myself as i drove it into the river by accident, but i got it out.
today the river flooded down towards the station and reached the first bridge just after breakfast. hansi and i watched for some time and then we had to dig a channel with showels so that the water wouldn't reach the road. this was not enough so we had to dig another one. this looked like it would take the preasure of the bridge.
on our scootertrip later on, we found out that a major flooding had occured behind the station. this had loosened sometime during the night and had poured huge amounts of water into Noret and splashing snow and ice high up on the river banks and clearing the snow covered surface all the way down to the gravel and sand. the river had broken through the dam at Tunnelelv. thus directing around 50% of the water into Noret instead of nothing! but no worries it looks like we will have no problems with that...
i put out some pictures
Hæ :)
Krúttlegt að hafa mini-sized sleða á arinhillunni. Eru stoðirnar alltaf svona konur? Ein ólétt og ein búin að eiga hehe? Gaman að því :)
Mér sýnist nú nánast allur snjórinn vera að hverfa þarna hjá ykkur, þið getið örugglega ekki farið mikið á skíði þarna í viðbót.
Hlakka til að sjá moggann ;)
Þín Anna Mjöll (ekki Ólafsdóttir).
Land just sent me the 'slusher links - see comment for that date! (Sorry, my finger slipped and I misspelled 'hils.')
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