Monday, September 28, 2009

internet working again! tried out my skis

After having some days without internet, due to all kind of technicl problems with the equipment, we finally managed to repare it today:0)
for some days now we have had a lot of wind and another 10 cm of snow. this is looking good...
inbetween some bad weather there was a oppen window of good weather, so i managed to go out skiing. it's still some rocks under the snow, but it's getting much better. the picture is from Saturday.
we still don't have any ice in the fjord, which gives us all this warm weather. we had temp. between -9 and +5. today we are at +1!
i put some more pictures on my page;0)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

from my short trip with scooter

this is me over-looking King Oscars Fjord. still no sign of fjord ice...
more pictures out there

i'm not perfect ;0)

an other big day in my little kingdom. making more clones of myselves and working hard, cleaning the garages and lifting too heavy stuff...
now i'm of for a short scooter trip around Langdyssen to make a ski-track and then i'm off to the sauna to loosen up my stiff and frozen limbs.
also my turn to be the cook, so i will make us some t-bone steaks;0)

Monday, September 21, 2009

cloneing in Greenland

due to a busy day at the office, i had to clone myselves. thereby being more effective in my work;0)
the wonders what you can do about lasso-tools and photoshop...

out hunting in the sun...

this is the only animals my dog Lola and me saw yeasterday, the rest had disappeared, but i had a nice trip anyway. the weather was very good and there was a lot of snow. next time i have to bring skis...

today we painted a lot of floors on the station. it was a sticky business, as the paint was a two component. it's like super-glue. say no more!

we also put up covers for the bridges on the station, thereby hopefully being able to stop some of the snow, from drifting under the bridges and making a cathastrophe in the spring.

Friday, September 18, 2009

new side bar

i added a new side bar today, it's the one with a satellite picture.
by pushing the picture you will get a link to almost live satelite pictures of Greenland, where it's possible to see the amount of sea ice and snow cover on the tertain...

winter wonder land

this is not today, but two days ago. if you want to see today you have to look at my pictures;0)

today it's snowing again, we probably got another 10 cm, so we had to clear some of the roads of snow with the snow plow. a bit early...

i fixed a broken door in the cafeteria and raymund finished the 3 fllors we have been working on this week. all that is left i painting them with an epoxy paint...

have a very nice week-end:0)
maybe i will try my skis???

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

16 cm of snow today..

Bjarki the "farmer" walking in the snow.
yeasterday and today we got 16 cm of snow at the station. we had to save our little boat and moved around on some equipment that shouldn't be buried in the snow...
i put out some more pictures!
this afternoon the weather cleared up and now it's the most beautiful scenery, not possible to pay for a view like this;0)
i even tried out the scooters on the road. veiiiii funny

Monday, September 14, 2009

finally snowing...

yeasterday we had some snow in the mountains, but when i woke up this morning it was snowing and more came along during the day. the temperature is only around zero, so it's not very cold. we more or less finished the big things outdoors, so now we spend our time with redecorating the workshop, painting floors and putting cement on the floors.
then i spend some time working on my thesis...
put some pictures out there!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

let it snow let it snow...

this morning it had been snowing, down to 100 m a.s.l and temperature around +1.
Raymund helped my the whole day with fixing Jytte and now we only need 10 min more work and then it's ready for the winter.

now i'm ready for lots of snow, going on some trips and sailing our RIB around before the ice hits us...

enjouy summer back home;0)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

mestersvig time-lapse tower

the sun sets at hrs 1935... look at the shadow

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mestersvig time-lapse

this is made up by 514 pictures taken by 10 sec interval from 2200 hrs to 2300 hrs, from the top of my tower towards the north

Monday, September 7, 2009

a day of painting

after some social time with the people from the sailboat, they left today for Scoresbysund.
a cruise-ship with some russians left the fjord yeasterday and an other ship left the fjord today. it must be crawling with tourists in the fjords...

today we have painted the first layer in Syndicatet ( the timber work-shop), so now it's time for some relaxation and some school work...

an other great day in Mestersvig.
which hopefully will be open forever!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

a new week...

the first week here has been quite good, working a lot, trying to finish all outdoor activities before winter sets. temperature has dropped from around + 5 to zero. most of the time we have had calm weather and sun, but the last 2 days have been foggy.
we have moved a fuel tank behind the cantina and to the front, putting up new fuel pipes, cleaning up in different houses and garages, walking with our 3 dogs, basically getting the station ready for winter.

to day a dutch ship hailed us on the VHF and asked us if we wanted to come onboard. we got coffee and lunch and now they are coming here on the station for a social visit...
the boat is a one masted steel boat of 67 feet. onboard are one british, two norwegian and the rest are dutch. one of the norwegians even know who my father is. what a small world this is.

i was just on the radio with a russian cruise boat trying to "escape" our sharp ears and eyes, on his way out of the fjord..

pictures out there too

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

leaving iceland

this is my plane in akureyri in northern iceland early yeasterday morning. i left reykjavik the same morning saying goodbye to my cute girlfriend, anna for seven weeks.
the trip with the twin otter took 2 hr 15 min to constable point in greenland and then an other 40 min to mestersvig where i will be staying until october 21st.

after arriving in mestersvig we got a visiting danish warship. we had to load the ship with more than 1 ton of flour and spare parts, all of it going to daneborg, head quarter of sirius.
after dinner onboard the ship we showed the crew the station and then we drove them back to the harbour.

today we had 9 visitors from daneborg in a twin otter, it was people from the office and the greenland command on their way back home. after showing them the station a c-130 from the danish airforce picked them up. the brought a new jeep as the old one was completely defect and brought the wreck back home.

after another twin otter that had to be loaded with 250 kg of goods we could finally relax and have some lunch...

the weather has been very good, sun, snow on the mountain tops and +5 degrees!

there are more pictures out there!!!