Friday, June 27, 2008

brum brum, my CAT and I

it was still raining this morning.

we started out after breakfast by giving the dogs a Rabisin shot against rabies and some pills against worms.

then we headed out to the river and the bulldozer. after pre-heating with a flame tourch I started moving sand, gravel and rocks into the hole in the road. hansi was in the hydrema putting the drainage pipes in the ground. at hrs 1700 we finished for the day. i was a bit wet after sitting in the dozer for a whole day. we got most of the job done. so now the road is connected to Nyhavn, though it lacks a bit of "cosmetics"...

that will be tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.

Anonymous said...

Þetta er nú nokkurskonar ThunderCat ;) engin kettlingur allavega!
Kiss Anna