Monday, March 3, 2008

almost...leaving on a jet-plane

today all of our 24 guests left the station.
last night Hansi and I helped the twin otter crew, changing the tyres on the plane. we put on skis. it was -32 so not very warm...

this morning everyone prepared for the C-130 from the Danish airforce. it arrived at 1100 hours in beautifull clear weather. the plane was unloaded. we got 1000 litres of gasoline, 20 boxes of cereal, oatmeal, vegetables, potaoes and fresh milk and youghurt. MMMM for the first time since october we got youghurt...GREAT is the word!
after 30 minutes the plane had left again.

the twin otter was loaded with goods bound for Daneborg and left Mestersvig. thereafter it's going to fly 3 sledge teams to Station Nord and from there on, out in the terrain, up in the coldest and most remote parts of Greenland!

After some youghurt eating with sledge team 7, we helped them with the dogs and they left the station, north bound for Daneborg where they will arrive in 1 month.

Hansi and I started cleaning up the station and burning garbage. the marker poles along the run way was put up agian, while the dogs ran freely around in the terraine.

We had a hard time catching the female "Bitten" as she was to get a shot of vitamines. I lured here into her doghouse with some meat and finallyu caugth her.

it's kind of strange only the 2 of us left here, after almost 5 weeks with a lot of guests, between 15 and 25 most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Bjarki luring the bitches :D hehehehe
Kv. Anna M. aðal kommentarinn :D

Anonymous said...

Hej Bjarke
Jeg sidder her hos din mor og far og nyder billedet af dig, hvor du går med ble og får sutteflaske. :-)
Vi håber, at du har det godt. Glæder os til at se dig igen engang.
Vi har nydt godt af din mors og fars gæstfrihed. Der er greit her i Norge. Det er nogen utrolig flotte billeder du tager, - det er rart at kunne følge lidt med i dit liv også, selvom du er så langt væk.
Du ønskes held og lykke med dit liv.
Kørligste hilsner fra Goffy og Martha - vores mail adresse er